I am currently working with local Raleigh artist Tessa Dahlmann to build her a website and brand guidelines to launch her residency at Artspace.
I worked with poet Marcel Borg to design the cover for his newest poetry release. His fifth published work, “To Inadvertently Erect a Monolith” chronicles Borg’s journey road tripping from Raleigh to Los Angeles, and the lessons to be learned in the landscape of America.
For almost 2 years I worked for the American Indian Center of UNC as the Media and Technology Ambassador. I was tasked with running our social media accounts and building the brand and presence of the center on campus.
In the age of AI have you ever stopped to ask yourself…why can’t a robot making my morning coffee yet? BrewBot is your answer!
I was the Design Chair for the Southeast Asian Student Association of UNC through my final 2 years of undergraduate study. I had lots of fantastic opportunities to learn and grow as a designer by making our merchandise and running our social media accounts.